
Hello there! It’s a pleasure to share a glimpse of my journey and who I am. I’ve always been captivated by the idea of embracing life’s opportunities and turning challenges into stepping stones toward growth. My story is one of exploration, learning, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

From a young age, I was a curious soul, eager to understand the intricacies of the world around me. This innate curiosity led me to explore diverse subjects, from the sciences to the arts, and everything in between. 

My Journey


Emil Mikhailov’s journey began on the bustling showroom floors as a car salesman. Here, surrounded by gleaming metal and the new car scent, he honed his skills. Every handshake, negotiation, and closed deal was a lesson, pushing Emil to grasp the nuances of customer needs and market trends.

His ability to genuinely connect with clients, understand their desires, and guide them towards the perfect automotive fit was unmatched. While many saw it as just selling cars, for Emil, it was an art form, a dance of persuasion and trust. This foundational experience not only shaped his future endeavors but also cemented his legacy in the automotive world.

Financial Manager

Ascending from the showroom floor, Emil Mikhailov embraced the intricate world of numbers and strategies as a financial manager. In this role, he delved deep into the financial backbone of the automotive industry, ensuring sustainability and profitability. Every budget allocation, investment decision, and risk assessment was a testament to his strategic foresight.

Mikhailov’s financial acumen was paramount in navigating the dealership through economic fluctuations, always keeping an eye on growth. He masterfully balanced the books, ensuring the business thrived even in uncertain times. For Emil, it wasn’t just about numbers; it was about steering the company to greater horizons with fiscal responsibility and vision.


Taking the bold leap from employee to entrepreneur, Emil Mikhailov materialized his vision by establishing his own car dealership. This venture was a testament to his vast industry knowledge and business acumen. Owning a dealership wasn’t merely about selling cars for Emil; it was about creating a legacy, an establishment that resonated with his ethos and passion.

Every car on display was a symbol of his commitment to quality. Challenges arose, especially with the shifting economic tides, but Emil’s leadership and adaptability ensured the dealership stood resilient. His entrepreneurial journey is a narrative of ambition, risk-taking, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Carinspector Company

In the face of adversity, Emil Mikhailov once again showcased his visionary spirit by birthing ‘Carinspector’. Seizing the void in the automotive sector, he established a company centered around detailed car inspections. Rather than dwelling on the closure of his dealership, Emil channeled his expertise to redefine how people perceive vehicle assessments.

Carinspector was more than a business; it was an innovation, the first of its kind, setting industry benchmarks. It underscored Mikhailov’s belief in evolving with the times and serving a pressing market need. His Carinspector journey illustrates that with tenacity and adaptability, one can carve new paths even amidst challenges.

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